

Product Number: 9870 Manufacturer:

Original part, by Taski! Not a “knock-off”!

Your Price: $1249.85


This battery has approximately 1000 ‘life cycles’. A life
cycle is 1 charge and 1 discharge.

Please let them know the best way to maximize the life of
the battery is:


1) Do not run it down to the point where it is totally
discharged. This could lead to a situation

    where the amps / voltage are so low, the
charger cannot pick up any volts in order to charge

    and they will have to put it on a slow charge
separately, similar to what you would do with

    a battery on a car that you don’t operate

2) If the machine is used for as an example, 15 minutes, do
not put it on a charger. Leave it

    and use it for the full shift, whatever that
total time may be, but do not plug it into the charger

    every time it is not in use. This will burn
‘life cycles’ and if you do this daily, instead of using

    1 life cycle per day, you are burning through
multiple life cycles per day. If the battery does

     discharge during a shift and it needs to
be charged, that is OK, because the battery was discharged.

3) Let the battery be charged for the full 2 hours. The
battery needs to go through all the phases of

    charging and it is best not to pull it off the
charge too quickly. Again, you are preserving life cycles.

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